Friday, September 23, 2011

Student Member Newsletter - September 2011

Student member newsletter - September 2011

Autumn of opportunity

As a new academic year is upon us, many of you will be busy preparing for the term ahead, so here at IMechE we have been busily preparing a newsletter to ease you back into the year. This month we profile David McGowan from Swansea Metropolitan University, who recently finished joint first in the business presentation element of Formula Student. We also learn more about the IMechE International network and get the lowdown from the recent Clark Motorsport tour. Wondered whether you made the right choice with an engineering degree? Topic of the month reviews the call for more UK engineering graduates from leading industry experts.
   IMechE Member Profile David McGowan, Motorsport Engineering Degree at Swansea Metropolitan University, Engineering Student Internship at Cummins Engines Daventry
How and why did you get involved with Formula Student?I wanted to be more involved with an extracurricular project and the idea of being part of the design and manufacture of a bespoke race car really appealed to me.
What is your role within the team?I took the Leading Student role of the project, giving up a lot of my free time to organise, plan, design, fabricate, problem solve and many other tasks.
How has Formula Student benefitted your development as an engineer?Where else can you be part of such a professional project while still studying at Undergraduate University level.
What is your main focus now the competition is over?I have now started a twelve month Engineering Internship at Cummins Engines Ltd., helping with some of the new developments of Cummins’ extensive range of large diesel and gas powered engines.
IMechE International
Did you know that IMechE has around 94,000 members worldwide? The Institution's world is grouped into sectors called regions and each region is made up of a number of different volunteer groupings operating across the area.
The Branches or Groups all have business plans and committees of dedicated volunteers whose aims are to engage current members and to raise the profile of the engineering profession and the Institution locally. This is achieved through networking, events, news, links with like-minded organisations and opportunities for the local engineering community.
To find out more about specific activities in your area or to see how you can get involved with improving the world through engineering locally, contact Rachel Leech, International Development Executive at
Clark Motorsport Tour
Last month saw the Aberdeen Young Members Panel visit the home of rally car preparation experts Clark Motorsport at their premises in Kintore on the outskirts of Aberdeen. The tour was led by Ewen McRae and former world rally driver, Barry Clark. The group were given an access all areas look around the assembly bays, machine shop, and rebuild area.   full gearbox and all three differentials from Clark’s international specification Evo 9 rally car were dissembled and on display.
Barry gave an in-depth explanation of how the whole drive train worked and the consequences of poor maintenance. Finally, the group got a look at the engine dynamometer where again an expansive insight into the black art of 'engine mapping' was given. The tour was rounded off with a nice cup of tea and some cake, with three performance cars to feast their eyes over!
The future of engineering 
Earlier this summer, leading industry figures raised doubts over the future of UK engineering due to a lack of engineering graduates. We asked you what measures you would take to attract more young people to engineering?
Loads of great responses, demonstrates the importance of this topic to you. Many felt that improvements need to be made to the education system, whilst others see the image of engineering as the main stumbling block. Scott Sunderland suggests that some kind of financial incentive, like a grant, for choosing engineering over a scientific degree might help.
However, Gus Harris-Reid believes the education system needs to encourage creativity and science at the higher levels. Despite mixed views on the outcome, the majority of you agree that this is a real problem that demands a quick solution.
      Hate shopping? Wish you could get all your textbooks throughout the year in one place? Check out the IMechE Bookshop

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