Saturday, October 22, 2011

12th October Membership Drive + GM Report

Date : Wednesday, 12th October 2011
Time : 3 - 4 pm
Venue : F1A02, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

IMechE Student Chapter of UNMC held its membership drive along with General Meeting on 12th of October, 2011. With thanks to all involved committees, this event was successfully carried out.

A great pleasure that we had Professor Teoh Kok Soo, Chairman of IMechE Malaysia Branch to give our fresh members a speech on professional development towards CEng or IEng. Professor also talked about benefits of being an affiliate of IMechE, including access to journals and web library, career development support, also IMechE awards and scholarships.

We had more than 30 members attending this GM. Besides, we had Assistant Professors, Dr. Aravintan Arumugam, Dr. Ho Jee Hou, Dr. Yap Eng Hwa and Associate Professor and Director of Studies, Dr. Andrew Spowage attended in this meeting. Our Student Chapter advisor, Assistant Professor, Dr. Albert Tshai Kim Yeow was also presented and helped us out.

Our MC, Maurice gave the introductory speech to start the GM around 3.15 pm, then Dr. Andrew Spowage was first be invited to talk before Prof. Teoh. Then, Our president, Chan Wai Loon gave speech to welcome the fresh members as well as to recruit new committees.

Awards was then be given to students with outstanding achievement. The GM ended at 4 pm with refreshments served to members and guests.

Fresh members attended General Meeting
MC was giving introductory speech
Dr. Andrew Spowage thanked for all who presented
Prof. Teoh gave speech on 'Routes to CEng and IEng'
(From right) Dr. Albert Tshai, Dr. Andrew Spowage, President and Secretary of IMechE UNMC Student Chapter

Frederic Barnes Waldron 'Best Student' Award winner - Teh Sze Hong

Institution Project Award winner - Teh Sze Hong

Institution Best Student - Tan Jin Jack

Institution Best Student - Madanayake Buddhike Neminda

Institution Best Project - Cheng Xin Wei

Institution Best Project - Chan Park Hinn
President welcomed all members
Group photo of award winner, Prof. Teoh, Dr. Albert Tshai and IMechE UNMC Student Chapter committees
Members signing up as new committees
Members enjoying refreshments

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